June 2011
We are so grateful for the help that we received from the Shannon Daley Memorial Fund. We can’t believe it’s been two years since we were recipients. In that two years, Stevie has made good progress. With the funds that we received, we took Stevie to China (www.stemcellschina.com) for a month of cord blood stem cell therapy. He received six injections of donated cord blood. Within several months of treatment, he gained increased trunk control, loss of spasticity, and better use of both his hands.

In March of this year, we brought him for an evaluation at the Institute for the Achievement of Human Potential in Philadelphia (www.iahp.org) The Institute works with brain-injured children and young adults. We are currently beginning an intense home treatment program for Stevie that the Institute designed for him. A major focus of the treatment involves “patterning” exercises that train the injured brain how to crawl, creep and eventually walk. Even in the short time that we’ve been doing the program and exercises, we have seen improvements in Stevie’s movements.

We are so grateful to God to be recipients of the Shannon Daley Memorial Fund and to be part of the Shannon Daley “family”. We thank you Shannon Daley Memorial Fund and donors from the bottom of our hearts!

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